Aún no tenemos significados para "features calm".
1Then both drained away with frightening swiftness, leaving her features calm and dispassionate.
2Lara thumbed back the hammer on both guns, her features calm and remote.
3Charity nodded again, features calm and remote, eyes cold and calculating.
4A beneficent Christ looked down from the wall behind Ashford's desk, Caucasian features calm and serene.
5Thyrza lay as one who is dead; her features calm, all the disfiguring anguish passed from her beauty.
6She forced herself to keep her features calm as she gazed, but inwardly she was as open, as exposed, as she had ever been.
7They were perhaps less violently bloodshot than before, the massive features calm and strong as they had been in slumber or its artful counterfeit.
8Her face did not say so; her brow was white, her features calm, her eye fierce and contemptuous, but clear, steady, full of meaning.
9But he had practice calling whatever outward expression he needed in the moment to his face, too much practice, and he kept his features calm.
10She's in her forties, blond and elegant with stern features calmed by an ample smile.
11'I left you with Tsata!' Saran protested, glaring at the Tkiurathi, who returned with a cool green stare, his tattooed features calm beneath his hood.
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