These gay flowers of humanity lie scattered all over the vast fieldofhistory.
In antiquity, the people, in the Christian sense of the word, never appeared in the fieldofhistory.
But it is at least possible to indicate the fieldofhistory in terms that will command general assent.
The name of Zarate naturally suggests that of Fernandez, for both were laborers in the same fieldofhistory.
The fieldofhistory of science has been a terrific professional and intellectual home for me for a long time.
It was most distinguished in the fieldofhistory, where indeed the writers rivalled the imaginative authors in public fame.
The discussion in reality ranged over the whole fieldofhistory, plunged into philosophy, and into the subtlest problems of mind.
The fieldofhistory is too vast for ordinary people, who have no time for extensive reading even if they have the inclination.
You should scan (84) the fieldofhistory to learn by what sage wisdom Solon (85) established for our city her consummate laws.
Intensely Canadian, he is not insular, for few men in his line have read more extensively in the fieldsofhistory.
He had come to the Druids as a young man, his training and skills in the fieldsofhistory and ancient tongues.
In her long and distinguished career, she made substantial and ground-breaking contributions in the fieldsofhistory, theology, art history and manuscript studies.
The brave fighting-men had not taken his reputation on trust, but had seen him win it fairly on some of the hardest-contested fieldsofhistory.
Quitting the fertile fieldsofhistory, she painted the trials which hedge woman's path, and with unerring skill defined her peculiar sphere, her true position.