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Significados de fine network en inglés
Aún no tenemos significados para "fine network".
Uso de fine network en inglés
The pilfered brass knife sliced easily, piercing a finenetwork of roots.
He was, however, almost caught in the finenetwork spun around him.
The eyes beneath the coifed brow with its finenetwork of wrinkles were adamant.
Her lined face broke through the pancake make-up in a finenetwork of a thousand wrinkles.
One could see the hills through a finenetwork of twigs, dotted with minute tassels of gold.
In them, the cooler water is distributed through a finenetwork of capillaries that spread throughout the back.
The colour rose to the surface of his face, a finenetwork of capillaries revealing an ugly mottle.
The tissue consists of a very finenetwork of threads, formed probably by gradual solidification of the threads of protoplasm.
Her skin had a withered look, and a finenetwork of lines showed on it, suddenly clear, like a tracery on parchment.
Fianna Fáil, among other governments in the past, dismantled a finenetwork of rail lines across both the capital city and the country.
She stood concealed from observation by the curtain of finenetwork which hung over the aperture, to exclude the annoying insects of the climate.
We demonstrated that calcein AM is a useful fluorescent indicator to stain the finenetwork of reticulopodia and the cytoplasm in living A. kudakajimensis.
At a spot near where Hercus had discovered the skull we found a curious garment, formed of a finenetwork of rings and chains.
It struck the ground and made fissures in the earth that spread out like a finenetwork of veins and capillaries all through the cemetery.
In immunostain for FN, finenetworks of FN were observed in the extracellular space in all three parts.