"First Iteration" is the opposite of:
1In June 2009, Zynga launched the first iteration of FarmVille on Facebook.
2The first iteration was pretty solid, but the SP-2 is better in every way.
3The first iteration of the Charing Cross Road store opened nearly a decade later.
4Onda is the first iteration on a cruise ship, and it did not disappoint.
5For the first iteration of the race, Manders says teams will compete only on land.
6And so, the solution was, before we get to this, was the first iteration of this.
7It's still quirky looking, but it's taller and has been slimmed down from its first iteration.
8It's a vast improvement over the first iteration.
9At first he thought they might be dreams, and he waited for news about her first iteration.
10Entre-Prises provided the first iteration of the speed wall after the IFSC announced them as their sole supplier.
11She can't return to the real world while the spider is spinning the first iteration of its map-web.
12Based on how things go with the first iteration, this list could be updated periodically and opened for voting.
13Like the original Mac, iPod or iPhone, this indie production is only the first iteration of the Jobs biopic.
14My sense is that we will get what we want eventually, but it will never be in the first iteration.
15The Movi has stepped things up a gear from Samsung's first iteration in 2012 -but then, so has Samsung.
16The first iteration was a touchscreen-only job whose operating system was about as user-friendly as the Linux nerds who used it.
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