Airlifter series by Fokker.
Examples for "ta"
Examples for "ta"
1His first foray in ta moko was at the age of 15.
2We come, we come with horn and drum: ta-rūna rūna rūna rom!
3The Nak-ta called to her louder than they had in many years.
4It iss very easy if you will only stay in ta island.
5Mebbes perhaps there micht pe a wee drappie left in ta bottle.
1What the NHS does not need is ra-ra speeches and feelgood cajoling.
2Boo-roong had her head cut by Go-roo-ber-ra, the mother of the deceased.
3On thee also must fall the curse of Menkau-ra, thou false priest!
4That bear was only a half-wild thing I helped to ra'r myself!
5Therefore, TNF-a-antagonism is an important new approach in the treatment of RA.
Translations for fokker ra