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Significados de foolproof way en inglés
Aún no tenemos significados para "foolproof way".
Uso de foolproof way en inglés
There was only one foolproofway to tell a saarantras: the silver blood.
Here, according to make-up artist Róisín Derrane, is the foolproofway to make it work for you.
Until a foolproofway is found to stop these nuisance calls, here is what you need to know.
The TEB-1 also needs a foolproofway of signaling to cars that it is bearing down on them.
The nearly foolproofway to raise money on Kickstarter is to get the attention of the crowdfunding site's staff.
Ledford said she is still in the process of looking for a foolproofway to ensure veracity in determining sales.
For several decades now, scientists have been trying to find a foolproofway to predict earthquakes, but entirely without success.
From a foolproofway to perfect your bow tie to secrets on growing a lush beard, we've got you covered.
The upshot is that even for pizza novices, the Pizzaiolo is a remarkably easy, foolproofway to turn out restaurant-quality pie.
I was trying to figure out if there was any foolproofway to do that as we went about our Saturday shopping chores.
Proponents of the idea say it is good for the environment, and a foolproofway of distinguishing between domestic cats, and ferals and strays.
Facciponti said: "The evidence will show that he thought he had found a foolproofway of getting around the security barriers" at Goldman Sachs.
Cocktail cool There's a foolproofway to hold your drink in style this Christmas: get yourself a bespoke bar cabinet from William Garvey furniture Ma(...)
Democratically-elected governments worldwide have found clever foolproofways of weakening democratic structures and controls.
"A foolproofway to get around the firm's very thorough safeguards."
'Talking of which, I've thought of a foolproofway of getting you used to my name.'