At or to or toward the front; (`forrad' and `forrard' are dialectal variations)
Examples for "forward "
Examples for "forward "
1 More young people were coming forward to ask for help, she said.
2 Cheshire Police said 11 people had come forward since Woodward went public.
3 The UK Government needs to bring forward a strong domestic legislative agenda.
4 However, despite the strides forward , these crimes continue to blight South Africa.
5 I believe my problem is common and look forward to your advice.
1 I discovered Lottoland forwards players' stakes to a company called EU Lotto.
2 Alain Vigneault said he felt the other forwards he used were better.
3 Their forwards will work hard and they have a good kicking game.
4 The firing had ceased; the boat began to glide forwards once more.
5 Since January, the riyal has rebounded in the onshore forwards market SAR1Y=.
1 Adam said to Napier, 'Take him forrard and report to my cox'n.
2 You'll go forrard and clean the forecastle-head and the fore main deck.
3 But it will be pleasant to look forrard to a snug harbor bymeby.
4 She is a right nice girl, and Tom is a very forrard boy.
5 I began forrard , Mistress Prettybones, and worked my way aft, like a man.
1 It had eaten up to the third and fourth floors, and was now sweeping frontward .
2 She spoke, gazing frontward all the while.
3 There seemed no frontward splashing to oppose.
4 A back rest would throw one forward in a frontward lurch, and give no support in case of a backward one.
5 She was turned around, tugging something-anothergirl's arm, poking out frontward between Crispin and Miss Francina where they were half-draggingher.
1 Russell moved past me, frontwards , stepping on the wheel and then jumping.
2 Cameron, you know those books pretty much frontwards and backwards, right?
3 In stooping to pick it up, FELIX pokes HARVEY, causing him to fall over frontwards .
4 A new ship is making waves for its ability to break through ice frontwards , backwards, and even sideways.
5 As he bends forward to pick it up, FELIX pokes him with the stick, knocking him over frontwards .
1 There's a set of mounseers forrad there, no more good than kittens.
2 There's been ruunin' back and forrad , an' a plentiful deal of language used.
3 When we were green and the war of the city still went forrad briskly.
4 That lighter's made fast forrad ; the second one's fast here.
5 The boy's down forrad , teasin' grub out of a flunky.
6 Let's picket the animals out hyar, an' creep forrad afut.
7 We'll eat an' sleep on deck to-night, up forrad .
8 The men and I must manage forrad .
9 Look at that block forrad , and see how much chance you'll have if I fire at you.
10 You go up forrad to your bridge, sir, and forget that you stepped in to see old Bill Dextry this morning.
11 I stood forrad , Nick aft, and we pulled and shoved strenuously; but no matter how hard we labored, the quinquireme would not be hurried.
12 An' he leered so at Garnett he swore horrible an' went forrads .
13 There's a fellow forrads who says go back while ye may.
14 Slant yer eye forrads , an' don't sit there a-lookin' at yerself, he snarled.
15 What do you think of the fellow forrads ?
16 Dat an' Cap'n Andrews forrads worries him some.
Other examples for "forrad"
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