Practice of predicting information about a person's life.
The practice of predicting information about a person's future.
1In truth, Sabina knew she had no professional future in the fortune-telling business.
2Naturally, the media focused on his condemnation of a vast money-spinning, fortune-telling industry.
3Like many fortune-telling sessions, the predictions were often murky, incomprehensible, or simply safe.
4The fortune-telling witch was right; it was destined to prove so.
5So I will, said I; for I have enough of fortune-telling.
6She was running a phony fortune-telling business, swindled people out of their money.
7Divination and fortune-telling have always played a conspicuous part in ordinary Chinese life.
8As long as it was only fortune-telling she was doing, it was legal.
9The manikin in the fortune-telling machine wasn't the usual head-and-shoulders model.
10Tyler perched himself on the edge of Miss Magda's fortune-telling table.
11Some of them border on what I would characterise as fortune-telling.
12Fanah Leerulenal, a leather engraver, did not consider himself an aficionado of fortune-telling.
13They say that she knows things, like fortune-telling and spells and love potions.
14From his accounts, it seems they were much addicted to fortune-telling.
15They remained here several days, and made a business of fortune-telling.
16Yes: tell HIM where he come from if you want to go fortune-telling.
Translations for fortune-telling