Aún no tenemos significados para "freeze embryo".
1Some of which-themost important-wereto his kids, to Amelia, and to their frozen embryo.
2I am, however, somewhat concerned at the statement that it is, nonetheless, acceptable to freeze embryos.
3The analysis included 920 frozen embryo IVF cycles.
4CLANE Hospital in Co Kildare has denied it will freeze embryos at its planned fertility clinic.
5Instead, frozen embryos created with her eggs and a friend's sperm were implanted in a surrogate.
6Objective: To examine the gender differences found among couples when choosing the disposition of their frozen embryos.
7Also, there are no plans as yet to create a legal definition for the status of frozen embryos.
8We would be supportive of criminalizing the discarding of frozen embryos or selective reduction through the IVF process.
9Conclusion(s): Gender bias was found in couples who made decisions regarding the disposition of their frozen embryos.
10Businessman Loeb filed a lawsuit last year seeking to take two frozen embryos the couple created before they split.
11Plus, there are two instances I know of-Alexisis one-wherethe patient has fewer frozen embryos than she thought.
12This means that spare frozen embryos, produced during IVF procedures for treating infertility, could be donated to infertile couples.
13If the parents wish to have the frozen embryos implanted in the mother at a later stage, no problem arises.
14Despite what Alexis had told her about having plenty of frozen embryos on reserve, it appeared only two were banked.
15Fifteen species, frozen embryos.
16But of the 14 tanks in the room, most contain frozen embryos or frozen eggs or sperm, not ovarian tissue.