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Meanings of fresh meaning in inglés
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Usage of fresh meaning in inglés
He did not scrutinize words to discover their first and freshmeaning.
The familiar words, heard under such novel circumstances, took on freshmeaning.
But as he stared harder, it took on freshmeaning.
All these assumed a freshmeaning in her mind, delivered now from its unwarranted preconceptions.
What more canst thou add to it that will have freshmeaning to mine ears?'
Originally a memorial to the victims of Bloody Sunday, the fires now had freshmeaning.
But he gave it a freshmeaning, the very converse of that which its author had intended.
Old facts may always be fresh , and may give out a freshmeaning for each generation.-MAURICE ,Lectures ,62
It is one of the two commands to which our Lord gave new incidence, into which He put freshmeaning.
Terms such as quantum computing, virtual reality, Turing machines, mathematics, induction and epistemology all have acquired freshmeaning and palpable importance.
Whittier, wearing his silver crown, brought the antique word into use again, and filled it with freshmeaning for modern men.
Right now, though, they have freshmeaning, for this past when we did things differently is only a few short months ago.
One of the most famous sections of any stadium in England, Europe or across the world acquired a freshmeaning this week.
The chorus, "To arms," gained a freshmeaning and power and, in spite of these first defeats, none dreamed of final defeat.
Thus, Bunyan's " muckraker" lives again; thus, "the curse of Meroz," and many another Bible reference, springs up with a freshmeaning.
During that hour of hope mingled with fear, the young poet found freshmeanings in Petrarch's sonnets.