A settlement on the frontier of civilization.
1The year 1707 passed away without any attack upon the exposed frontier settlement.
2Contrary to what I expected, this little frontier settlement bids fair to become interesting.
3At Cassange, the frontier settlement, they sold Sekeletu's ivory.
4Etown, as it was called, was a raw frontier settlement made up of mainly log cabins.
5But the frontier settlement of log huts, and the majestic surrounding forests filled with game, had entirely disappeared.
6The town forthwith blossomed into a typical frontier settlement-banksand gambling dens, churches and saloons, schools and bullfights.
7No genuine type of them ever approaches nearer to the confines of civilization than a frontier settlement beckons him.
8To this end he made an extended tour in the South and West, which passed beyond the bounds of frontier settlement.
9In youth he was very studious, and made the best use of such opportunities for education as the frontier settlement afforded.
10When an Indian squaw comes into a frontier settlement the first "marked-down" article she purchases is a section of stove-pipe.
11Her father and mother soon after landing at Philadelphia, removed to a frontier settlement of Pennsylvania, lying on what was called Marsh Creek.
12He was one of the early settlers who went from Connecticut to Vermont and made a home in what was then a frontier settlement.
13We are in a state of transition, like all other frontier settlements.
14The young people of the frontier settlements were usually married before they were twenty.
15Their pleasures and pastimes were those usual in frontier settlements.
16Betty, in these frontier settlements a man is soon known for his real worth.
Translations for frontier settlement