Aún no tenemos significados para "further moves".
1Serious loyalist violence could jeopardise any further moves on IRA decommissioning.
2The central bank is widely expected to ease interest rates and signal further moves.
3If his intelligence was so good, any further moves would be fraught with danger.
4Both banks also face some domestic opposition to more easing, making further moves politically complicated.
5Yesterday President Bush urged Mr Arafat to back up the ceasefire with further moves towards negotiations.
6Thiagarajan of Commtrendz Research said any further moves to curb buying could depend on the rupee's health.
7He added that discussions were under way with other countries about further moves to implement the missile plan.
8The phrase is currently the property of critics of the European Union who oppose further moves towards integration.
9The expectation is that cabinet level changes will be announced today,, with further moves lower down the ranks tomorrow.
10It isn't simply that near the zero lower bound for interest rates, further moves bring diminishing or negative returns.
11Any further moves in the foreign exchange markets or signs of currency intervention are likely to be positive for gold.
12The company employs 8,600 people but said there would be further moves to rationalise costs.
13On top of the park, there are further moves to have the Saints' pivotal place in Brisbane's musical history recognised.
14In further moves certain to rile Putin, Nato is to step up its aid to, and collaboration with, the Ukrainian military.
15Shall transfer essentials to other three for return or further moves if necessary, but no more heavy plane travel needed just now.
16The Minister for the Marine and Natural Resources, Mr Fahey, has rejected any further moves by the European Commission to reduce fishing fleets.
Esta colocación está formada por:
Further moves por variante geográfica
Estados Unidos de América