The professor worries that rising CO2 levels could drive enough warming to destabilize the Earth's clathrate reserves.
In our world now, clathrates exist in Arctic permafrost and in the ocean near the continents.
Another source could be icy subsurface clathrates, or molecular cages that harbour methane but can release it in bursts over time.
The presence of clathrates, ice-like lattice structures that can trap gases, could just as easily explain what we see on the moon.
Dubbed SCHLIP, for Submarine Clathrate Hydrate Landslide Imaging Project, the investigations continue and will involve drilling into the landslide during the next voyage.
Uso de gas hydrate en inglés
Some countries are trying to drill and exploit natural gashydrate (NGH).
A lot of Earth's methane is trapped below the seabed as " gashydrate", an ice-like crystal of methane and water.
The US launched a national research and development programme as far back as 1982, and by 1995 had completed its assessment of gashydrate resources.
This expedition was part of a larger international project focusing on the interactions between gashydrates and slow-moving landslides.
A buildup of slushy gashydrates stymied its first attempt at covering the rupture with a huge metal dome.
When mud volcanoes erupt near gashydrates, the methane in the hydrates can escape, along with methane from deep underground.
The problem is gashydrates, essentially slushy methane gas that would block the oil from being siphoned out the top of the box.
The problem is with gashydrates, essentially slushy methane gas that would block the oil from being siphoned out the top of the box.