Aún no tenemos significados para "gentle declivity".
1Below him was a gentle declivity ending to the south in darkness.
2A gentle declivity for the final charge must be sought.
3He paused and looked back over the long gentle declivity toward the south and west.
4The road made its way down a gentle declivity, into an increasingly damp and dreary landscape.
5Low parallel ridges of gentle declivity glided constantly across his way, their valleys sloping to the river.
6It is on a gentle declivity leaning to the south-east, and situated between Mount Aventine and the Monte Testaccio.
7The rest of the way to the lake was down a gentle declivity, and the wheelbarrow moved more easily than before.
8He now paused at the top of a crooked and gentle declivity, and obtained his first near view of the city.
9It stands partly on a gentle declivity; but the greatest part of it is in a plain, watered by the river Clyde.
10To the right a wide foot walk separated the drive from a gentle declivity sown with saplings, running down to the water.
11Captain Nemo made a sign with his hand, and we followed him by a gentle declivity till we disappeared under the waves.
12Beneath this and lower down was another plain of gentle declivity, which was also surrounded by a similar ridge equally difficult of ascent.
13Loch Vennachar lies between hills of comparatively gentle declivity, pastured by flocks, and tufted with patches of the prickly gorse and coarse ferns.
14It is situated on a gentle declivity, commanding an extensive prospect to the westward; to the eastward the view is interrupted by thick woods.
15On and up we went, ascending a gentle declivity until we came to a brook said to be two miles from the boat landing.
16A purling brook at the left rolled its silvery current down a gentle declivity, and in front, for half a mile, was open country.
Esta colocación está formada por:
Gentle declivity a través del tiempo
Gentle declivity por variante geográfica