1His short ginger hair looked somehow wrong against the bright red plush.
2He had a mass of coarse ginger hair which he never brushed.
3In the mid-1970s they probably hanged people with ginger hair in Whittlesea.
4His first lay, Janet Summerton, with her peachy breasts and ginger hair.
5His pale face is flushed, threatening to match his cropped ginger hair.
6It seems only appropriate that Bruce LaBruce has a shock of ginger hair.
7Haven was of medium build, almost stocky, with curling ginger hair.
8Another one, with ginger hair, was loitering up to join those.
9There was a layer of pale ginger hair on his chest.
10He had ginger hair, and a razor nick on his neck.
11With his slight frame, ginger hair and freckle-splashed face, he looked about 10.
12One had ginger hair, and a crop of ginger beard bristled on his chin.
13The Vice-Consul was a young man with untidy ginger hair.
14A sad smile crept up beneath long, tangled ginger hair.
15Jasper flushes to the roots of his ginger hair at the older man's tone.
16Once hale ginger hair was thinning and fading towards silver.
Translations for ginger hair