Aún no tenemos significados para "glitter stars".
1Foil fans hung from the roof, tinsel lined the walls and there were glitter stars and baubles in every imaginable shade.
2The maid has chosen the glittering stars, instead of the plain daylight.'
3He looked at the glittering stars and was contented and happy.
4I recalled the blue-circled chancel and its glittering stars with admiration.
5The skies were spangled with thousands on thousands of glittering stars.
6Vivid, multicoloured scintillations and innumerable glittering stars flashed out and thronged the sky.
7India, stretched out beneath the glittering stars, stirred with half-opened eyes, and smiled.
8Glittering stars chased a shallow arc behind them as their drinks were delivered.
9They rode from house to house under glittering stars, over sparkling snows, singing:
10The captains' armour was of proof, and was in appearance like the glittering stars.
11The night was bright with moonlight and the glittering stars.
12A hemisphere of glittering stars surrounded Gerald on the right.
13Seize the glittering stars and they will become your chariots.
14Overhead, the glittering stars wheeled in the cold, black sky.
15What mattered that to unfix those glittering stars would still tax both skill and patience!
16Twilight had faded to starlight and the mountain range stood blackly defined against the glittering stars.