Again he was tempted to reject this interpretation; but, once more, on second thought, he allowed it to gouncontested.
Most of the time the inspectors' complaint would gouncontested, the defendant would plead guilty, and the fine would be $25.
Everyone agreed that describing a bank's security as lip service was entirely too complimentary, but for the sake of brevity they let it gouncontested.
Hertl wentuncontested to the net and tipped a point shot.
The provisional roll released on Friday shows three of the remaining seats goinguncontested.
Results for just 57 seats were made public, including 55 that wentuncontested.
Instead their accounts have goneuncontested, bombarding the jury with angry tears and terrifying descriptions of the shootings.
Few shots wentuncontested for the Tigers, who had four first-half shots blocked by the Cougars, two by Brison Gresham.
U.S. consumers footed most of the bill for the scam because, amazingly, about 94 percent of all charges wentuncontested by the victims.
Despite the scrums goinguncontested, Bath kept their cool, moved the ball left and Watson took Tom Homer's pass to score in the corner.
More than 1.35 million cards were used to make fraudulent charges, according to IDG, but 90 percent of the charges wentuncontested by consumers.