No, ma'am; I will leave you to find some lover of goodclaret with a longer purse than mine.
Take the company Cuisine de France, which is to authentic French cuisine what Piat d'Or is to a goodclaret.
If you are looking for something to accompany your spring lamb, there are few better choices than a goodclaret.
I have very goodclaret from a friend, at the rate of fifteen-pence sterling a bottle; and excellent small beer as reasonable as in England.
Most of the diners were confirmed table d'hôters-gastronomicadventurers, forever seeking the El Dorado of a goodclaret, and consistently coming to grief in California.
Just before it begins to boil add one wineglassful of goodClaret.
Goodclaret should invite you to take another sip, and slowly seduce as it reveals hidden depths.