Medical condition that results in recurrent pain and swelling of joints.
Examples for "gout"
Examples for "gout"
1Cox proportional hazard model was used for risk analysis of incident gout.
2However, gout may present clinically in an atypical, unusual, or confusing manner.
3Objective: MR imaging is not routinely used for evaluation of tophaceous gout.
4He wasn't too good on his feet today-withhis gout flaring up.
5However, the relationship between diabetes and incident gout was not as prominent.
1He called the disease podagra, a Greek word which means a snare for the feet.
2He had the podagra, (or gout), and ought not to have ventured forth; but zeal would not let him rest.
3My father and mother had no sign of any morbid diathesis, but I will not conceal from you that my grandfather was afflicted with podagra.
Translations for gouty arthropathy