Aún no tenemos significados para "gray-haired lady".
1The first was a diminutive gray-haired lady, wearing an outrageously colorful gown.
2A gray-haired lady with a bright benevolent face was talking earnestly to Rufus.
3Mrs. Tellingham was a graceful, gray-haired lady, with a charming smile.
4Then he thought about the photo of the gray-haired lady tucked into Guan's album.
5At once a gray-haired lady leaned out, and beckoned to Tessa, who tremblingly obeyed.
6A little gray-haired lady appeared on the landing, staring up at her through thick glasses.
7And he hurried toward the gate, bareheaded, just as a gray-haired lady in black entered the garden.
8He dogged the footsteps of more than one gray-haired lady of distinguished appearance without lighting upon his quarry.
9There were about fifteen spectators present, among whom were a young woman in a pince-nez, and a gray-haired lady.
10Dame Hannah Relf was the head of one of the women's colleges, an elderly gray-haired lady whose dæmon was a marmoset.
11The Master looked at the gray-haired lady with the marmoset dæmon in her lap, and a flicker of amusement passed between them.
12On the hawk's back sat a gray-haired lady, whose clear-eyed face looked first at Lyra, then at Salmakia clinging to her collar.
13It was not the picture of Guan in the mountains, but a Polaroid of a gray-haired lady standing underneath the famous Guest-Welcome pine.
14We all looked out to see a tall, gray-haired lady approaching the house, looking about her with the slightly puzzled air of a stranger.
15The blue hawk swooped once more to Lyra's fist, and the gray-haired lady said, Don't waste a second-goin and find your dæmons and escape!
16"The lady who came in the large blue car, a gray-haired lady?"
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