Aún no tenemos significados para "great ardour".
1The Milesians also showed great ardour for the war.
2Then with great ardour he preached to her the doctrine of this new Christian sect.
3Nevertheless, sooner or later they entered the room and saluted the captive, without showing any great ardour.
4This auspicious courier bringeth fragrances of great ardour and wafteth the life-giving breezes of the love of God.
5He threw himself, however, with great ardour into the support of the candidature of his friend Professor P.C.
6Mrs. Henley did her best in that way, and Philip followed up his inquiries with great ardour, but still unsuccessfully.
7He requested of Maupertuis to come to Berlin, to settle an academy, in terms of great ardour and great condescension.
8He clasped me to him with great ardour, and said, Hide your dear face in my bosom, my beloved Pamela!
9Though it had not failed her, there was, nevertheless, no great ardour in Christine's bearing-merelythe momentum of an antecedent impulse.
10The operations of the siege were now pushed forward with great ardour, but yet nothing denoted the immediate reduction of the place.
11He obtained from the senate a levy of three hundred thousand men, and made with great ardour preparations for a new campaign.
12He declares himself with great ardour against the use of torture, and by some misinformation charges the English that they still retain it.
13When it comes to the actual chase, some hounds will show great ardour at first starting, but presently give up from weakness of spirit.
14Mr. Crewe began, with no great ardour, to descant on the theory of planting, and Austen resolved to remain pocketed and ignored no longer.
15Having thus secured a monopoly at Screwstown, Dick, of course, returned with great ardour to his former enlightened opinions in favour of free trade.
16But being naturally of a cheerful and sanguine temper, I very soon recovered the blow, and prosecuted with great ardour my studies in the country.
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Great ardour a través del tiempo
Great ardour por variante geográfica