Aún no tenemos significados para "great modesty".
1Sampey smiled sadly and a little complacently, and with great modesty said:
2She accepts all this consideration with great modesty and admirable good sense.
3At this time Bonaparte displayed great modesty in all his transactions in Paris.
4He lives in a tiny room with great modesty and discipline.
5He had with this trait also a great modesty and diffidence.
6He may subjoin his own opinion, but he must do it with great modesty.
7At first he wrote of Pleyel: "He behaves himself with great modesty."
8The marriage of Murat and Caroline was celebrated at the Luxembourg, but with great modesty.
9He had great modesty and gentleness of bearing.
10His gait was slow, his air timid, an indication of the great modesty of his mind.
11He was a man of great modesty, of quiet demeanor, and of the most generous impulses.
12Wherefore it was in fear and trembling, and with great modesty of spirit, that I entered the Presence.
13After breakfast they were asked to tell the story over again, and this they did with great modesty.
14Full of this idea he came to the Mission-house, and with great modesty spoke of the plan which he had made.
15He took from the large bundle of papers a single sheet, and, assuming an air of great modesty, read the affidavit.
16Then he mounted to the highest peak-a feat so rare that even his great modesty could not suppress a cry of exultation.
Esta colocación está formada por:
Great modesty a través del tiempo
Great modesty por variante geográfica