Aún no tenemos significados para "grown stern".
1Fortune is grown stern with us, and threatens thee with mortal peril.
2Winston turned hastily toward Brown, his lips quivering, his eyes grown stern.
3Ralph was cold and cruel, and had grown stern, almost morose.
4They advanced toward him, their faces grown stern.
5He held her helpless, his face grown stern, seeing in this his only hope of influencing her action.
6His voice had grown stern again.
7His face had grown stern, and he narrowly searched Atmâ's countenance as he spoke gravely but gently enough.
8Deborah, her face grown stern and hard, had moved a step or two forward and stood regarding Rachel sharply.
9I, who had grown stern with long brooding upon my vengeance-couldI not aid in bringing joy to others!
10Her face had grown stern, and I was very much aware of the sound of falling raindrops all around us.
11The lines about his mouth where the smiles used to gather had changed and grown stern with the hopelessness of years.
12They are grown stern, and where once they suffered men to displace them, they now forbid men to come, or coming, to depart.
13The friar's face had grown stern, but he did not resume the conversation until the elder Giustinian had strolled away with his host.
14Before he could be heard in his own behalf the cruel eye of his uncle had grown stern, and Bull was condemned as a culprit.
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Grown stern por variante geográfica