Electron microscopic preparation of the dentate gyri from each animal followed conventional procedures.
And it extended into the right fusiform and lingual gyri.
They also showed enhanced connectivity between this region and pre-and post-central gyri and left parahippocampal regions.
In addition, volume increases in FXS were observed in frontal gyri and caudate nuclei compared to controls.
They had decreased rCBF in the left frontal cortex, including medial and superior frontal gyri and anterior cingulate.
These changes were most pronounced in the frontal and temporal lobes, especially in the cingulate gyri and insulae.
The composite posterior and sylvian gyri of the canine temporal cortex show cytoarchitectonic features of poorly differentiated isocortex.
Volume decreases in adolescents with bipolar disorder were also noted in inferior prefrontal and superior temporal gyri and cerebellum.
The brain regional analyses identified temporal lobe gyri as sites associated with the greatest and earliest gene expression abnormalities.
BD-AUD patients presented smaller GM volumes in the left medial frontal and the right anterior cingulate gyri compared to BD-nonAUD patients.
Results: Significant metabolic reductions in both the anterior and posterior cingulate gyri were visualized in the patients with autism spectrum disorders.
Region-of-interest analyses showed significant bilateral gray matter volume reductions in the temporal lobes and superior temporal gyri in the schizophrenia group.
On display in the dome, the brain was actually rather lovely, pleasingly wrinkled with beautifully curved gyri outlined by deep sulci.
The lesions of the fair colour-naming patients spared the lingual and fusiform gyri, which are known to be engaged in colour processing.
The autism group exhibited volume increases in frontal and temporal gyri relative to the FXS group, and no volume increases relative to controls.
The remaining three patients (group 2) had abnormal gyri of variable topography and extension, with bulging grey matter and ventricular deformity.