Pole weapon with axe blade topped with a spike.
Examples for "halbert"
Examples for "halbert"
1John Plessington, his sergeant, avenged him by running Erinetta through with his halbert.
2A giant bearing a halbert, accompanied by two youths in tunics, completed the group.
3His arms were the halbert, axe, or spear, a crossbow, a dagger, or a sword.
4Charge through them, my bullies; a halbert to the hero who shall reach his heart!
5A fort very commodiously guarded; only requiring one sentinel with his halbert-paintedon the door!
1The new halberdier drops his halberd, and it falls on the cigar-case.
2He'd somewhere found a great halberd, which he swung, beheading a Stormguard.
3One in an antique costume, and bearing a halberd, acted as marshal.
4We swung round the corner eastwards, Wilson running first, brandishing the halberd-
5They cut me with a halberd from which I have a scar.
1Before signing, Mr Ernest Halbard Melton took out the paper and verified it.
2Guards in traditional yellow or red and white pantaloons, with halbards and plumes.
3Ernest Roger Halbard Melton, son of the above.
4Ernest Halbard Melton, J.P, nephew of the testator.
5Mr. Ernest Roger Halbard Melton, of Humcroft, Salop, little knows how near he was to being "cleft to the chine" also.