Aún no tenemos significados para "has critics".
1The new EU law has critics from both sides.
2But she has critics, too, who question whether her relentless local focus is too parochial for federal politics.
3The scheme has critics, who say children are mainly exploited in Moldova or trafficked out with valid documents.
4That has critics concerned that a meltdown for Detroit could delay the rollout of green cars like the Volt.
5The industry's coziness with the Democratic Party, which dates back through several elections, has critics of their market dominance worried.
6While he has many supporters, Singham has critics who say he does not grasp how tough trade negotiations really are.
7Not all the artists agree that there is no such thing as female art, and the show has critics within its ranks.
8While the film has critics who go to great length to discuss the plot holes, A Quiet Place received praise and awards galore.
9Lawate says her school is an effort to provide dignity and purpose to the lives of HIV-infected children, but she has critics as well.
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