Aún no tenemos significados para "have drunk".
1In all the bodies in which I have drunk, I sought you.
2They have drunk wine sweet and sour and have swallowed the dregs.
3Fair Rosamond may have drunk from it while the Queen watched her.
4And when you have drunk it she will wash and dress you.
5But thou seest the six have drunk only so many poor bottles.
6Probably the servants have drunk it all, for they are such thieves.
7We have drunk our water for money: we have bought our wood.
8I have drunk enough whiskey to float a ship-andsome ship too.
9Happily for us that antelope must have drunk water not long before.
10He would have drunk foul water with almost as keen a relish.
11If she could only have drunk in the expression in his eyes!
12Would the savages have drunk with him, and then leave him behind?
13If I had n't been boxing I would have drunk quite a lot.
14Moreover, I might, if I liked, have drunk tea with a Duchess.'
15Well, you see that I have drunk nothing, nothing, not a drop!
16You have drunk deep of the cup of poison; I can see that.
Esta colocación está formada por:
Have drunk a través del tiempo
Have drunk por variante geográfica