Aún no tenemos significados para "have no terrors".
1Come, deal openly with us; new ideas have no terrors for us.
2The dark would have no terrors for him, nor would he need companionship.
3True, this ineradicableness need have no terrors if we have formed good habits.
4Saying 'no' seems to have no terrors to them at all.
5The inheritance tax should have no terrors for the millionaire.
6For such a hen death can have no terrors.
7Hell could have no terrors for any man who died there, except the inhuman keepers.'
8The possible ghosts have no terrors for me.
9But captivity could have no terrors for me, did it not divide me from my father.
10Examinations have no terrors for them, and interfere in no way with their spiritual or worldly interests.
11Truly I have seen such riches and had so much enjoyment that death would have no terrors now.
12Darkness was coming, but darkness would have no terrors for Long Jim, if only there were no walls about him.
13Truly, he took liberties with the language seldom attempted even by French-Canadians, to whom the Saxon tongue appears to have no terrors.
14He had lived for so many years upon the brink of death that this familiar gulf seemed to have no terrors for him.
15I am not an impressionable man; and, as a medical practitioner, it is needless to say that mere bones have no terrors for me.
16The theory of holding property in common had no terrors for him.
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