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Meanings of heavenly messenger in inglés
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Usage of heavenly messenger in inglés
But at the gate, a thought came to him, radiant as a heavenlymessenger.
No;-therehad been no strife with the heavenlymessenger.
There had been no strife with the heavenlymessenger.
A gentleman would naturally shrink from the part of heavenlymessenger that Morrison would force upon him.
But the truth was, that Hesper was a mere earthly woman, and Mary a heavenlymessenger to her.
Elmo's Light, but which, to the conscience-stricken earl, was a heavenlymessenger, sent to convert and save him.
A gleam of sunshine from a rift in the dark clouds seemed sent as a heavenlymessenger to guide them.
The heavenlymessenger returned
How she came by it I did not ask, being content to suppose it was brought by a heavenlymessenger.
It is indeed truly a heavenlymessenger, and so unlike anything else that it scarcely seems to belong to this world.
A guest was treated as a heavenlymessenger, and was guided on his way with the kindest expressions for his welfare.
Then he was strengthened with miraculous food by a heavenlymessenger, and bidden to go to Horeb, the mount of God.
An angel had excited them, and the heavenlymessenger, who had condescended to assume a name, was called the Mahdi, or El Mohdy.
And now, suddenly, before they could speak to the heavenlymessenger, they saw, not him alone, but the place full of the like heavenly beings.
Promptly at noon fell heavy blows overhead, and then, in a cloud of plaster and broken laths, the heavenlymessenger descended clumsily into Casanova's arms.
Why should there not be heavenlymessengers, when heavenly messages are most wanted?'