Aún no tenemos significados para "heavy slug".
1Amos pulled his heavy slug thrower out and aimed it at her face.
2The heavy slug struck him in the shoulder and flattened and tore out a piece of his shoulderblade.
3Vanderspool's body jerked spasmodically as the heavy slug smashed through his shoulder and hit the man immediately behind him.
4The bell clanged, then jumped from its bracings, blown from the brackets by the force of the heavy slug.
5He took another heavy slug of the drug, knowing it was too much, but wanting to do it anyway.
6Then out from the sawgrass came the roar of a rifle, and a heavy slug whined over the gunman's head.
7The doorknob was a smashed wreck, driven into the thick wood of the door by the heavy slug of the revolver.
8No sooner had he seen his precarious situation than he started back, when Fret Offut flung a heavy slug at his feet.
9The heavy slugs did the job, but not quite well enough.
10Then it was over as the heavy slugs beat the quarian's kinetic armor down and tunneled through.
11The charge of heavy slugs had ploughed through the host of baboons, of which at least a dozen lay dead or dying in the passage.
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