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Significados de held assumption en inglés
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Uso de held assumption en inglés
The long heldassumption that fare increases dent ridership is also being tested.
But this widely heldassumption may be grossly incorrect.
There is a widely heldassumption that Sec.
Their findings challenged the widely- heldassumption that the vast majority of retractions were down to honest errors.
A long- heldassumption has been that evoked and spontaneous neurotransmissions draw on the same pools of vesicles.
They also pour cold water on the widely- heldassumption that sex offenders are more likely to reoffend than other offenders.
There is a widely heldassumption that CAO points are determined by colleges in advance and remain relatively constant over the years.
Yang has taken out the stem cell step, and challenged the long- heldassumption that a stem-cell-like state is necessary for successful cloning.
They stood together in the candlelight, relying on the long- heldassumption that the windowless basement would keep them safe from Cardassian scrutiny.
The result merely confirmed what was already a commonly- heldassumption: Hermes, the defending Leinster and Irish league champions, are the team to catch.
The ruling refuted a commonly heldassumption that commissioners' partisan bent will favor their fellow party-members, campaign finance experts and former FEC staffers said.
LONG- HELDassumptions about the evolution of humans have been challenged following a detailed analysis of a fossil skeleton dating back 4.4 million years.