Obama has heldopposition Republicans at bay but battles lie ahead.
The headline grabber: The organization has dropped its long heldopposition against reporting names.
Despite my long- heldopposition to phablet-sized phones, the iPhone 7 Plus makes an offer that can't be refused.
Huckabee reiterated his long- heldopposition to abortion and gay marriage, deeply held concerns for evangelical Christians and other social conservatives.
Looking overseas, there has been a long- heldopposition to the death penalty in all circumstances as a matter of principle.
The plan represents a complete reversal from cable operators' long- heldopposition to what is known as "a la carte" programming.
The ruling Labor Party in 2007 abolished its long- heldopposition to new uranium mines, although approval for new projects rests with state-based governments.
The inquiry reverses the government's long- heldopposition to such a commission as political pressure mounts following a string of scandals in the sector.
It also failed to rally support from other companies in the securities industry, despite their long- heldopposition to litigating in courts rather than in arbitration.