Aún no tenemos significados para "highlight how".
1Phillips will also highlight how complicated the issue of equalities has become.
2Figures from Hawke's Bay Regional Council highlight how dry it has been.
3The figures highlight how little leeway Osborne has to stimulate economy.
4Both shows will highlight how amateur astronomers help pinpoint asteroids and other night-sky objects.
5More importantly, they highlight how fiscally stressed New Jersey is.
6They highlight how the crisis could destabilize the region.
7They highlight how the crisis could destabilise the region.
8A couple of quick examples can highlight how problematic this bad money habit can be.
9The latest labour force figures highlight how great a problem underemployment has become in our economy.
10It seems like a typical stunt to highlight how great your new vehicle's steering system is.
11All five highlight how public leadership is changing.
12The options highlight how Khosrowshahi is at least partially protected from price swings in Uber's stock.
13We further highlight how these properties are being exploited for drug delivery and tissue engineering applications.
14But crucial setbacks in recent weeks highlight how tough it will be to tap new growth areas.
15Drinks industry group Meas has launched a new campaign designed to highlight how drunken behaviour impacts others.
16That said, the successes highlight how much volunteers want more of an active role in citizen science.
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Highlight how por variante geográfica
Estados Unidos de América