1But his imperial majesty, the grizzly, was first on the list of exceptions.
2The train of his imperial majesty now, as was fit, surpassed all the rest.
3Follow his imperial majesty!
4The duke bade them welcome, adding, "Did his imperial majesty charge you with any letter subject to my order?"
5In ten or fifteen minutes, his imperial majesty was seen coming down the staircase, and Monsieur Louis approached, with a low bow.
6They therefore, in submitting their communication to his imperial majesty, did it only that he might do what seemed right in his own eyes.
7This open, bold declaration of mine was so opposite to the schemes and politics of his imperial majesty that he could never forgive it.
8The minister will report the whole affair to his imperial majesty, and entertains no doubt that the emperor will be very indignant at the occurrence.
9I have received the following message from His Imperial Majesty the King-Emperor:-
10His Imperial Majesty the King-Emperor, has conveyed the following message to me:-
11To the most illustrious Alfonso Valdes, Secretary to His Imperial Majesty, greetings:
12And whatever suspicions you might have, His Imperial Majesty's instructions are explicit.
13But His Imperial Majesty will find on this point a manifest slander.
14These Gallian reds are His Imperial Majesty's preference by far, I assure you.
15His Imperial Majesty has decided to stop the war with the United States.
16The question thus submitted to his Imperial Majesty was purely a geographical one.
Translations for his imperial majesty