Aún no tenemos significados para "honore father".
1What march was she stealing on her father, her beloved and honored father?
2And my honored father killed at the battle of Bunker Hill!
3But, whatever you do, don't get entangled in the concerns of my honored father.
4Further, I could engage to execute the bronze statue in memory of your honored father.
5Jeremiah Chaplin, the worthy son of an honored father, [Footnote: The late Rev.
6My honored father-in-law is much distressed and downhearted.
7And how would his dear honored father feel when the sad story should reach his ears?
8The Hegumen, my honored father, will follow him to the palace, and-butlet the details go!
9That trade gave my honored father his daily bread, and I hope it will feed me, too.
10It is my father, my honored father!
11I knew that he studied law in your Honored Father's office, and was betrothed to your eldest sister.
12Only since our honored father's death.
13Yes, dear; my honored father.
14Where is your honored father?
15"Oh, do not do so, most honored father," cried the younger Princess.
16If any here misdoubts my veracity, see, here is a letter received by the last packet from my honored father.