An expression of greeting.
Examples for "hello"
Examples for "hello"
1Hoping for new information, I snapped up the phone and said hello.
2No one said hello or thank you or held open a door.
3I'm sure he said hello, but it was too late to reply.
4I couldn't speak or say hello, or even ask for her name.
5In our line of work, hello to forever could be just days.
1The two-storey hi-tech building is expected to interest research and development companies.
2We said hi and made small talk for a minute or two.
3Laura Martinez Celada said hi after we'd spoken on the phone recently.
4It was their way of saying hi, and the response was emphatic.
5And next time you're up this way, stop in and say hi.
1He laughed the moment she said hullo, and she laughed too.
2If they were going to hit it off, we must be -hullo!
3When they had approached to within fifty yards, remarked "hullo!" to them.
4Oh, hullo, Miss Eleanor, how d' y' get here ahead?
5Just tell the boys on board hullo for me.
1Gee, I guess a blistered palm was just a nice howdy then.
2Always thought I'd kind of like to say howdy to you again.
3You didn't expect him to open his eyes and say howdy, did you?
4Nothing could have been more synchronous than the plural howdy-do that confronted me.
5I spoke to the colonel this morning, merely to say howdy-do.
1But then there would be a nice how-do-you-do if she did.
2The boys say "how-do-you-do" and try to smile like grown-up folks.
3You come knocking at my door in the middle of the night, I expect a how-do-you-do.
4This is a grand how-do-you-do I must say.
5He didn't waste any time saying how-do-you-do, but just asked this and that and dived in.
6I didn't like to be in the neighborhood without dropping in just to say how-do-you-do to you.
Translations for how-do-you-do