Experts say the illness likely emerged in a pig infected with avian and humanflu strains.
More tests were being carried out on humanflu sufferers in Baghdad, and also in Cairo, Egypt.
Usually, if a ferret is infected with humanflu, it infects all other ferrets in nearby cages.
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Global health and infectious disease specialists cite the threat of a humanflu pandemic as one of their biggest concerns.
The Food and Drug Administration cleared the test to detect, among other viruses, Influenza A, the most severe humanflu.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration cleared the test to detect, among other viruses, Influenza A, the most severe humanflu.
But there are fears that it might acquire that ability if its DNA mingled with that of a humanflu virus.
But the study found that the most infectious humanflu viruses bind with the umbrella-shaped receptors in the upper respiratory tract.
However, new cases of the mongrel virus, which mixes swine, avian and humanflu strains, were still being tracked across the world.
All bird flu victims will be included in the trial and each country will pick 100 patients suffering from severe humanflu.
Severe humanflu cases would be included because some symptoms and complications were similar to H5N1, such as pneumonia.
Last Friday, David Nabarro, U.N. coordinator for avian and humanflu, said this season's wave of bird flu had largely passed through the poultry trade.
The researchers engineered all 254 possible variants of hybridization between a deadly bird flu strain found in Borneo, and a humanflu virus from Tokyo.
Experts fear it has the potential to cause a humanflu pandemic that would be much worse than the H1N1 swine flu pandemic.
In the experiment, researchers made H5N1 strains that passed through the air between ferrets, which are often used as a model for humanflu infection.