Being one more than one hundred.
The cardinal number occurring after hundred and before hundred and two, represented in Roman numerals as CI and in Arabic numerals as 101.
1In favor of accepting the donation, three hundred and one; opposed, fifty-eight.
2The young bridegroom abode in the palace one hundred and one weeks.
3This was in the year of our Lord eleven hundred and one.
4And a hundred and one things can happen in half an hour.
5Sixty guns meant a princess, one hundred and one meant a prince.
6He lived about a hundred years, some say a hundred and one.
7There's a hundred and one things to be done out of hand.
8Results: Two hundred and one patients were enrolled in this study.
9One hundred and one patients received stomas during their first operation.
10There are a hundred and one ways this could go wrong.
11Findings: One hundred and one participants entered laboratory studies and 69 completed them.
12One thousand two hundred and one subjects were entered into the final analysis.
13He will receive a hundred and one blows of the knout.
14In a hundred and one thousand centuries... unity again, and wisdom.
15It was presumed lost with a hundred and one passengers and three crew.
16At last we pulled up before the tenement at five hundred and one.