Aún no tenemos significados para "hurdle over".
1Others just hurdle over the dang thing and take two or three strides through the water.
2I hurdle over a burning log.
3Successful in a two and a half mile hurdle over this course in February, he could well take beating.
4But there's no question that the entire premise defies credulity, which could prove a significant hurdle over the long haul.
5He could easily hurdle over the young player but he directs his studs right on to his ankle, which could have been nasty.
6Trained by Edward O'Grady, Ned Kelly has been entered for the IR£18,000 Anglo Irish Bank hurdle over two miles.
7The subject of her mysterious excursions from the house was always in the air, and it formed a hurdle over which no one could jump.
8De Saulles hurdled over him and Cochran struck the ground, breaking his right shoulder.
9Josh and I watched as he reappeared, hurdling over the gravestones as he jogged.
10Ignoring Eadric, I hurdled over the grass and bent down to pick up the vial.
11Trainer Noel Meade intends to run the horse in the Ladbroke Handicap Hurdle over three miles.
12Two of the other inmates had actually cheered and laughed as he hurdled over the metal railing.
13She finally throws him and he lands on rotted pile of pumpkins after he hurdles over fence.
14Even a revised measure hit major hurdles over how banks should be compensated for early repayment of loans.
15Then he hurdled over the boys.
16That's what life is about - hurdling over new grounds, AZ would later tell me in the venue's green room.
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