Examples for "h2so4 "
Examples for "h2so4 "
1 The results suggest possible mechanisms for the internal flow of vibrational energy in H2SO4 and H2SO4 x H2O.
2 PbO2 + 2 H2SO4 + Pb = 2PbSO4 + 2 H2O leaving a balance of 120860 calories.
3 The thermal values for the various substances formed and decomposed are -For PbO2, 62400; for PbSO4, 216210; for H2SO4, 192920; and for H2O, 68400 calories.
1 Beet: phosphates, fourteen; potash, forty-nine; soda, nineteen; lime, six; sulphuric acid , five.
2 Turnip: phosphates, thirteen; potash, thirty-nine; soda, five; lime, ten; sulphuric acid , fourteen.
3 The great saving in sulphuric acid , amounting to about 50 per cent.
4 Then he covered it with dilute sulphuric acid through the funnel tube.
5 He obtained by this process acetate of methyl and ethyl sulphuric acid .
1 Most of it tasted truly awful, a glass of dyspepsia-inducing battery acid .
2 Blood cooking in battery acid on some exit ramp in North Carolina.
3 You might as well hand him wood chips and battery acid .
4 My stomach feels like it's been pumped full of battery acid .
5 Brand said why bother with a milkshake when you could get some battery acid ?
1 My latest tipple is oil of vitriol with a dash of strychnine.
2 Take of oil of vitriol in a glass bottle, 1 lb.
3 A metallic chloride, treated with oil of vitriol , disengages chlorohydric acid.
4 The laughing death, oil of vitriol , distillation of toad-theyare not for me.
5 The sulphuric acid was strong oil of vitriol ; one cubical inch of it was equivalent to 486 grains of marble.
1 Moreover, the sulfuric acid must be added slowly and with stirring.
2 The Metal segment provides copper, gold, silver, sulfuric acid and others.
3 The oily layer is again warmed with sulfuric acid , as before.
4 It has fertilizer, sulfuric acid , utilities and storage facilities in Fort Saskatchewan, Canada.
5 I can make hydrogen by pouring sulfuric acid onto iron filings.
1 He looked as though someone had put aluminum hydrogen sulfate in his mouthwash.
2 Acidic particles were produced by nebulization of aqueous sodium hydrogen sulfate at pH 1.5.
Gramática, pronunciación y más
Translations for hydrogen sulfate