Family of the hydroxide salts.
Examples for "hydroxide"
Examples for "hydroxide"
1One source said Traxys would take all Nornickel's cobalt metal and hydroxide.
2Cobalt hydroxide, which is produced separately, is commonly used for electric-vehicle batteries.
3These particles showed no gel-to-sol transition upon the addition of sodium hydroxide.
4We first collected fresh urine and stabilized the urine with calcium hydroxide.
5Ferrous hydroxide exposed to moist air is rapidly changed into ferric hydroxide:
1Most of the hydroxides form an oxide and water when heated:
2PROCEDURE.-Tothe combined filtrates from the double precipitation of the hydroxides just described, add 5 cc.
3These hydroxides are white solids; they are readily soluble in water and possess very strong basic properties.
4In this scenario, aluminum can react with caustic alkali hydroxides that are emitted from the concrete slab.
5The hydroxides yield on ignition an oxide suitable for weighing (Al_{2}O_{3}, Cr_{2}O_{3}, Fe_{2}O_{3}).]
Translations for hydroxide compounds