A software application that provides comprehensive facilities to computer programmers for software development.
1It runs-'etide prout asequi potuit ita et ad nativitate Johannis incipet dicere.'
2To-be-sure, some will use more'n others, but give 'em an ide'.
3He was the embodiment in one man of a plurality of ide(...)
4The late Albert Willis Higgins, president of the company, thought up the ide in 1946.
5For it's underneath the tiles they 'ide the loot.
6To-be-sure, Charlie here has had some talk with me, but I want to get your ide's.
7Dat's were de gooman feller 'ide 'is gold.
8He thinks he's a-doin' of it, but he ain't got no ide, no plan of nothin'.
9Infrequent but serious adverse events have been reported with the use of oral nucleos(t)ide analogues.
10I wonder it has never struck me before; but it is surprising-what-strangeide-asa man-has-andCollumpsion fell asleep.
11Then with top down bes ide his wife he began his ride down the Main Street of DaIIas.
12An' for all 'is dirty 'ide
13Unfortunately this is one case where you'll have to leave the IDE.
14You can't 'ide it; you're a perfect fool where women are concerned.
15Ide Wheeler, C. Alphonso Smith, Paul S. Reinsch, and William H. Sloane.
16IDE, or Israel Desalination Enterprises Technologies, has operations in 40 countries.