Aún no tenemos significados para "ignorant quack".
1I recommend you to St. James of Compost-antimony, to whom St. Luke was an ignorant quack.
2I mean that that man was not just what he appeared to be, namely, a chattering, ignorant quack.
3The poor man was tortured by that ignorant quack for a week or ten days, until death put an end to his misery.
4In the others, the ignorant quacks attempt to hasten the result by artificial means.
5And, besides, I think all doctors are ignorant quacks, pretending to knowledge they haven't got.
6At the survey, two of the surgeons, ignorant quacks that they are, broached a most ridiculous opinion- aheterodoxdoctrine- adamnableheresy.
7'I will have no village apothecaries diagnosing my disease, no ignorant quack telling me how to treat myself.'
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