Process of providing drawings or other pictures intended to elucidate a description, story, or other written material.
Examples for "illustration"
Examples for "illustration"
1Medical illustration is constantly changing and moving with current technology and trends.
2Venus is proportion; Calliope, the soul of the world; Aglaia, intellectual illustration.
3A striking illustration in point occurred recently in a cafe in Montana.
4The illustration has no unimportant place in the equipment of the orator.
5And that's where we met to talk about her approach to illustration.
1One of McLean's cultures; bacteria and moulds; illustrating micro-organisms in the hut
2Inpatient access to dermatologists is limited, illustrating an opportunity to utilize teledermatology.
3We give below a few brief extracts illustrating the point in question:
4The compartment, illustrating the eternal trouble of the envious has this inscription:
5Write sentences illustrating the correct use of each of the following pronouns:
1Finally, there is quite a lot about The Phantom Tollbooth itself, the writing and illustration process, its reception early on and later.
Translations for illustration process