Aún no tenemos significados para "imaginative power".
1As a writer, Allston shows great facility of expression and imaginative power.
2This mental precocity, I should say, was entirely due to imaginative power.
3General Characteristics.-DeQuincey's essays show versatility, scholarly exactness, and great imaginative power.
4Not wanting in imaginative power, she has the rarest good sense and discretion.
5The higher creative and imaginative power has yet to be reached.
6Nor is the source of this pellucid clearness and imaginative power far to seek.
7The predella before me seemed a miracle of imaginative power.
8This, rather than the imaginative power, it was that made his descriptions so graphic.
9They are vigorous, patriotic, rhythmical, and many of them are marked with imaginative power.
10Their poetry shows more intellectual brilliancy than imaginative power.
11And even then, for the most part, it is left to your own imaginative power to see-
12Lincoln's imaginative power, the ineradicable artist in him, made of things unseen true realities to his sensibility.
13O'Neil had no small measure of the imaginative power that makes great leaders, great inventors, great builders.
14Nor have they to do with the question of imaginative power-asmuch demanded by realism as by romanticism.
15He had imaginative power which makes his finest passages fairly crash upon the reader's brain like blasting thunderbolts.
16What imaginative power you have, Norman!
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