However, if the foreign company has established a Liaison Office in India, it cannot acquire immovableproperty.
Emlak verghisi, or impost on houses or immovableproperty, at 4 per thousand on the purchasing value.
Impost of 4 per cent on the rent of immovableproperty, or houses not occupied by their owners.
Yes, you can but going through financial emigration process with immovableproperty in South Africa makes the process more complicated.
The government of India has offered permission for branch office of a foreign company to purchase immovableproperty in India.
Verghi (a), 4 per 1000 on the purchasing value of houses, land, or immovableproperty.
An NRI can take on lease an immovableproperty for a period not exceeding five years for without taking permission from the RBI.
To acquire immovableproperty on all manorial estates on which the peasants had passed from the state of serfs into that of tenants.
A NRI or a PIO can acquire immovableproperty in India by way of gift either from a person resident in India or an NRI.
But along with it comes the complications of inheritance of which the most cumbersome is the process of inheriting an immovableproperty like a house.
The government of India has offered permission for the Non-Resident Indian (NRI) and Person of Indian origin (PIO) to purchase immovableproperty in India.
The Company's segments include Telecommunication-Mobile Handset and Accessories, and Renting of ImmovableProperty.
Immovableproperty, such as land or houses, is called real estate.
About Optiemus Infracom Ltd Optiemus Infracom Limited is engaged in the trading of mobile handset and mobile accessories, and renting of Immovableproperty.