Taken together, our findings suggest that bLF suppressed colorectal polyps by enhancing immuneresponsiveness.
Specific immuneresponsiveness to certain highly purified allergens is significantly associated with particular HLA-D types.
Objective: To examine whether and at what stage mucosal immuneresponsiveness is impaired during HIV-1 infection.
Numerous studies in the literature report aberrant immuneresponsiveness in immunoglobulin A (IgA) nephropathy.
We have evaluated in 80 patients suffering with laryngeal carcinoma their specific and aspecific immuneresponsiveness.
Gastrointestinal helminth infections are extremely prevalent in many human populations and are associated with downmodulated immuneresponsiveness.
In contrast, addition of treatment with MMF profoundly decreases both primary and secondary humoral immuneresponsiveness in vivo.
Yet, not all patients benefit as cancer immuneresponsiveness (CIR) remains a limitation in a considerable proportion of cases.
In addition, IL 2R-targeted therapy of the immunodeficient graft recipients abrogates the capacity of alloactivated T cells to re-establish acute immuneresponsiveness.
Background: Offspring of women with schistosomiasis may exhibit immuneresponsiveness to schistosomes due to in utero sensitisation or trans-placental transfer of antibodies.
Chronic inflammation, a decline in immuneresponsiveness, and reduced cardiovascular function are all associated with aging, but the relationships among these phenomena remain unclear.
T cell receptors (TR), through their interaction with the major histocompatibility complex, play a central role in immuneresponsiveness and potentially immune-related disorders.
The reasons for this sexual dimorphism are unclear, but may include such factors as sex-related differences in immuneresponsiveness, hormonal effects and sex-linked genetic factors.