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On His side the love, the impartation, the indwelling, are all perfect.
The impartation of life seems to have been His main business.
Earth was the place for mutual help and impartation.
Regeneration implies the impartation of a new life by the Divine energy of the Holy Ghost.
It is maintained by constant efflux from the fountain of Life, by constant impartation of His quickening breath.
Regeneration is the impartation of a new and divine life; a new creation; the production of a new thing.
No man is pure except by impartation; and every good gift and every perfect gift cometh from the Father of Lights.
As little does this incident prove that the imposition of Apostolic hands was necessary in order to the impartation of the Spirit.
A story-anoutward, objective fact, something which the imagination can body forth-often facilitates the impartation to another mind of a spiritual experience.
But there is a distinct supernatural impartation to every obedient heart of divine gifts which come straight through Jesus Christ to it.
That stone has vital power, and if we build on it we receive, by wonderful impartation, a kindred derived life, and become 'living stones.'
But our possession of His grace, and the impartation of His grace through us to others, vary, because our faith, our earnestness, our desires, vary.
Then follows an equally exclusively divine act, the impartation of a new nature, which shall secure future obedience (vs. 26, 27).
Starbuck.-Shouldthe Impartation of Knowledge Be a Function of the Sunday School?
And will you believe it?-hefinds her magnetic impartations, as he calls them, highly agreeable and advantageous to his constitution!
Instead of all the noise of the sea you have within the quiet impartations of the voice that is still and small, wherein God dwells.