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Significados de increase pricing en inglés
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Uso de increase pricing en inglés
Invoking a market disruption clause can increasepricing on a syndicated loan.
Amazon's entry is expected to increasepricing pressure on retailers.
A downdraft in secondary loan prices has forced a number of borrowers to increasepricing on their bank loans this year.
The alternative, however, is facing constant electricity price hikes and the introduction of what they're calling smart-metering which will further increasepricing.
It will vastly increasepricing power for a handful of manufacturers, and this will slow the seemingly relentless decline in chip prices over recent decades.
A US$262.5m loan backing pet product maker Petmate's buyout by Olympus Partners is the latest middle market deal to increasepricing.
He denied it would give his company increasedpricing power.
These back-of-the-envelope results suggest investors are assuming semiconductor consolidation heralds sharply increasedpricing power for chipmakers.
The increasedpricing is a reflection of stronger economies, demand and rising oil prices, according to the report.
Petitcolin said he was not worried about a knock-on effect of increasedpricing pressure in the supply chain.
Only one deal has increasedpricing, compared to the first quarter when upward and downward price flex was evenly split.
Universal Fiber Systems also increasedpricing on both the first-lien and second-lien portions of its US$240m buyout loan.
The bridge loan includes a duration fee that increasespricing as an incentive to the company to refinance the loan quickly.
Human Genome has repeatedly maintained its confidence that Benlysta would become a multibillion-dollar drug despite increasingpricing and reimbursement pressure in Europe.
The company also blamed higher energy and transportation costs and, for the first time, pointed to increasedpricing pressures in the Republic.
Meanwhile it's come out that because of increasedpricing, there have been fewer tourists on the great walks and more money raised.