Aún no tenemos significados para "inexplicable sense".
1Fighting a strange, inexplicable sense of loss, she resumed her search for Grace.
2An inexplicable sense of foreboding brought him back to the present.
3He felt a sickening and to him inexplicable sense of defeat and disgrace.
4It was as if we'd just met but shared an inexplicable sense of familiarity.
5Dirty, ragged imp as she was, that strange inexplicable sense of kinship stirred within him.
6Whenever General Washio spoke to her, Tokiko could not help feeling conscious of this inexplicable sense of guilt.
7Even then, early in the meal, I had this inexplicable sense that I might never see her again.
8But this time, with an inexplicable sense of fear, he picked it up and read it at once.
9She seemed to be waiting for a question, but I kept silence, filled with an inexplicable sense of embarrassment.
10The young man stood still until she had disappeared, smitten by an inexplicable sense of the fatality of that meeting.
11He felt again the perfume of her hair and the radiant freshness of her womanhood, with its inexplicable sense of spring-time.
12She sat again, but a sudden, an inexplicable sense of wanting to plunge from the height of the balcony seized her.
13Kassad felt an inexplicable sense of déjà vu as he put an energy bolt through the man's left eye from five meters away.
14Maurice trembled at the sight of her beauty; he reddened at the consciousness of her dress; over him came some inexplicable sense of fear.
15She saw him off from the gate, and then went back into the house, still with that inexplicable sense of oppression weighing her down.
16Compassion began to stir in their bosoms, and with it an inexplicable sense of shame, which soon threw any power of compassion into the background.
Esta colocación está formada por:
Inexplicable sense a través del tiempo
Inexplicable sense por variante geográfica